Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch  
Date Information
04/10/2020 From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 9th June 1945:
04/10/2020 GREER – In fond and loving memory of my dear brother, 6985178 Lance Corporal H Greer, who was killed in action in June 1944 with the 8th Airborne Division in France. ‘He gave his life, there is no greater glory.’ Always remembered by his brother and sister-in-law. Grange, Tullyhogue.
04/10/2020 From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 9th June 1945:
04/10/2020 GREER –6985178 Lance Corporal H Greer, who was killed in action in June 1944 with the 6th Airborne Division in France. ‘He died that we may live’ Always remembered by his loving pals: Corporal Ruddell, Corporal Hall, Rifleman Nelson and Rifleman Marshall, serving with the same division in Germany.
09/07/2020 From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 1st July 1944: Roll of Honour
09/07/2020 GREER – June 1944, killed in action in North West Europe, Lance Corporal Henry Greer. Deeply regretted by his brother, James Greer, Tullyhogue, Cookstown.
10/06/2019 Henry was close friends with both Joseph Hall and Lance Corporal Ruddell. The photo below shows Henry Greer (left) and Joseph Hall (right).
10/06/2019 Henry Greer was born about 1923.
30/12/2015 Lance Corporal Henry Greer is commemorated on Cookstown Cenotaph.
30/12/2015 Lance Corporal Greer is buried at Ranville War Cemetery, Calvados, France. Many of the Division’s casualties are buried here.
30/12/2015 Lance Corporal Henry Greer was killed in action during the battalion’s next objective, the town of St. Honorine, on 8th June 1944.
30/12/2015 The 1st battalion Royal Ulster Rifles captured the small town of Longeuval and spent the next two days strengthening their positions.
30/12/2015 During the Normandy Invasion, Ranville was the first village to be liberated in France when the Caen Canal Bridge was taken intact on the 6th June by Parachute and Glider borne troops of the 6th Airborne Division.
30/12/2015 The 1st Royal Ulster Rifles were part of 6th Air Landing Brigade (6th Airborne Division) who landed by gliders in and around the town of Ranville in Normandy on the 6th June 1944. Their objective was to capture and hold the bridges over the River Orne and the Caen Canal. A strategy to prevent the Germans from reinforcing the Normandy defences.
30/12/2015 The 6th June 1944 was the day the allies invaded German occupied Europe. The Allied plan was to land on the beaches of Normandy at Utah and Omaha Beaches (United States Forces), Juno Beach (Canadian Forces) and Gold and Sword Beaches (British Forces).
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