Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch  
Date Information
29/09/2020 From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 26th May 1945: Roll of Honour
29/09/2020 FREEBURN – Cherished memories of our dear son, Sergeant Navigator A H Freeman, R.A.F.V.R., killed on air operations 22nd May 1944; also his gallant crew who went with him. ‘They died that we may live.’ Sadly missed by all who knew him, especially by his sorrowing father, mother, brothers and sister-in-law. Church Street, Cookstown.
09/07/2020 Wreaths were laid on the grave as follows:-
09/07/2020 The chief mourners were:- David Freeburn (father); David Freeburn, Thomas Freeburn and Andrew Freeburn (brothers); Thomas Freeburn, Charles Freeburn, Willie Howard, Alex Black, James Thompson and William Truesdale (uncles); Joseph Howard, David Freeburn, Thomas Freeburn, George Freeburn, Robert Freeburn, Baxter, Freeburn, alex Black, Alex Thompson, Willie Thompson and Freddie McKeown (cousins); Andrew Magee, Cecil Magee, Ernest Hunter, Tom Black, Robert Weir, Alex Thompson (senior) William McKinney, Samuel McKinney, Benny McKinney, David McKinney, Sam McKinney, Tommy McKinney, David McKinney, Joseph McKinney (relatives).
09/07/2020 On Saturday afternoon, 27th June, his remains were laid to rest in Cookstown Cemetery. The attendance at the funeral was very large, all creeds and classes being represented. Divine services in the home and at the graveside were conducted by Rev H C Conn, B.A., of Moneymore.
09/07/2020 The news of the death of Sergeant Freeburn (son of Mr and Mrs D Freeburn of Church Street, Cookstown), as the result of enemy action, has caused very sincere regret to his many friends in Cookstown and district. Of a bright and cheerful disposition, the deceased was held in the highest respect and esteem by all with whom he came in contact, whether in school, workshop or RAF. Now, having made the supreme sacrifice in the cause of freedom, his memory will remain with them as an incentive to do their duty, even though the cost be very high. Much sympathy goes out to his parents and brothers in their deep sorrow.
09/07/2020 From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 8th July 1944: Navigator Sergeant A Freeburn, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (R.A.F.V.R.)
02/09/2019 Alexander Henry Freeburn was the son of David and Margaret Freeburn. He was born about 1916.
02/09/2019 Sergeant James Laird DUNBAR (1585541) Air Bomber
02/09/2019 Sergeant Thomas Smith COMBE (1823102) Air Gunner
02/09/2019 Sergeant Lawrence BUXTON (1614503) Wireless Op/Air Gunner
02/09/2019 The aircraft is believed to have crashed in The Wash. All eight crew were lost.
02/09/2019 The aircraft was returning from operations against Duisburg and was seen to circle Waterbeach at 0303hrs. At 0309hrs the crew were instructed to jettison their bombs out at sea, but nothing more was heard of the aircraft after that time.
02/09/2019 Sergeant Alex Freeburn was navigator on board a Lancaster bomber (Flight Serial No DS633) which took off from R.A.F. Waterbeach, near Cambridge.
02/09/2019 On the night of 21st/22nd May 1944, some 532 aircraft bombed Duisburg. Much damage was caused in the southern districts of the city with 350 buildings destroyed and 665 seriously damaged.
02/09/2019 Sergeant James FRASER (935291) Flight Engineer
02/09/2019 Alexander Henry Freeburn was the nephew of Alexander Henry Freeburn, who died in World War I.
02/09/2019 There is speculation that the aircraft was shot down by the Me410 of Fw. Johann Trenke, who claimed three aircraft over Northern Norfolk between 0305 and 0322 hours.
02/09/2019 Alexander Henry Freeburn joined the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Alex flew with 514 Squadron during the Second World War.
02/09/2019 Sergeant Alexander Henry FREEBURN (1670597) Navigator
02/09/2019 Sergeant John GALLAGHER (1823530) Air Gunner
02/09/2019 Sergeant George Henry KEMP (1592001) Air Gunner
02/09/2019 Sergeant Freeburn’s body was later washed ashore at Snettisham, Norfolk on 19th June 1944. All the crew’s bodies were recovered.
02/09/2019 Alexander Freeburn’s remains were returned home to Cookstown.
02/09/2019 Sergeant Alexander Henry Freeburn is buried at Cookstown New Cemetery, Cemetery. His inscription reads ‘MANY LANCASTERS WERE MISSING ONE NAVIGATOR IS SAFE. TILL HE COME’
02/09/2019 Sergeant Freeburn is commemorated locally on Cookstown Cenotaph and on Molesworth Presbyterian Roll of Honour.
02/09/2019 The CWGC record Sergeant Alexander Henry Freeburn as the son of David and Margaret Freeburn of Cookstown.
02/09/2019 Flight Sergeant Thomas Lipsey GIBSON (984464) Pilot
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