Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch  
Date Information
22/08/2019 The CWGC record Private William John Henry as the son of Joseph and Elizabeth Henry, of Stewartstown.
22/08/2019 Private William John Henry is commemorated on Stewartstown Cenotaph.
22/08/2019 Private William John Henry is buried in the Roman Catholic Churchyard, West Street, Stewartstown. It is believed this is a family memorial and no CWGC headstone is at the location.
22/08/2019 The Corps became part of the Royal Armoured Corps (RAC) in 1944.
22/08/2019 Private William John Henry was serving with the Reconnaissance Corps when he died on 7th September 1941. The circumstances of his death were not identified.
22/08/2019 William John Henry was the son of Joseph and Elizabeth Henry.
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