Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch  
Date Information
01/05/2020 02286
13/01/2019 It seems very unlikely Robert Lewis ever lived or worked in the Cookstown area, but is included here because he is listed in the Cookstown War Dead book, because his grandfather was from Grange, Tullyhogue, Cookstown.
13/01/2019 Known family: Robert R Steele, Caroline Steele, Robert Henry Lewis Steele (born about 1883).
13/01/2019 STEELE – Killed in action 29th March, Robert H L Steele, Sergeant, Middlesex Regiment, eldest son of Robert R Steele, formerly of Grange, Tullyhogue, aged 35.
13/01/2019 From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 13th April 1918:
16/11/2018 Robert Steele attended Bedford Modern School between 1891 and 1894.
16/11/2018 Robert Henry Lewis Steele was born and raised in Middlesex. He was born about 1883.
16/11/2018 Robert was the grandson of Mr Robert Steele of Grange, Tullyhogue, Cookstown.
16/11/2018 Robert enlisted at Ravenscourt Park in London. He was living in Shepherd's Bush.
16/11/2018 Sergeant Robert Henry Lewis Steele was serving with the 7th Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment when he died at Pas de Calais from wounds received in action during the German Spring Offensive on 29th March 1918.
16/11/2018 Sergeant Robert Henry Lewis Steele is buried in Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension, France.
16/11/2018 Robert Henry Lewis Steele was the son of Robert R Steele and Caroline Steele.
16/11/2018 The inscription on his grave reads: ‘PRO PATRIA NON TIMIDUS MORI’, which is believed to mean ‘unafraid to die for his country’.
16/11/2018 Robert Steele is commemorated on Bedford Modern School's Roll of Honour.
16/11/2018 The CWGC record Sergeant Robert Henry Lewis Steele as the son of Robert and Caroline Steele. He is also recorded as the husband of Lucy Emily Steele, of ‘Raewood’ Baring Road, Lee, London.
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