Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch  
Date Information
01/05/2020 02251
12/09/2018 The CWGC record Private Patrick Joseph Leo Murphy as the son of Mr and Mrs Murphy of Dublin.
12/09/2018 Private Patrick Joseph Leo Murphy is commemorated on Stewartstown Cenotaph.
12/09/2018 Private Patrick Murphy is buried in Le Mans West Cemetery in France.
12/09/2018 In 1914, when St Nazaire and Nantes were British bases, Le Mans was the advance base and a hospital centre. There were three Stationary Hospitals situated in Le Mans in September of 1914 and it was to one of these that Patrick was taken.
12/09/2018 Private Patrick Joseph Leo Murphy was serving with the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers when he died of his wounds on Wednesday 23rd August 1914. He was 20 years old.
12/09/2018 Private Patrick Murphy was mortally wounded within days of arriving in France. He was removed to hospital at Le Mans.
12/09/2018 Private Murphy was part of the first draft of men sent to the Western Front on the outbreak of hostilities in August 1914.
12/09/2018 Patrick was living in Dublin when he enlisted in Belfast.
12/09/2018 Nothing is known of his early life.
12/09/2018 Patrick Joseph Leo Murphy was born in Stewartstown about 1894.
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