Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch  
Date Information
10/06/2024 And also their daughter Mary, died 28th April 1967.
10/06/2024 Also the above named William Faulkner, died 19th May 1940.
10/06/2024 And their son John, killed in action in France 1st July 1916.
10/06/2024 Also their daughter, Harriet, died 17th September 1903
10/06/2024 In memory of his wife, Sarah Jane, died 28th October 1912
10/06/2024 William Faulkner, Coolkeighan -
10/06/2024 Rifleman John Faulkner is also commemorated locally on the family plot in Cookstown New Cemetery. The inscription reads:
10/06/2024 John’s mother, Sarah Jane Faulkner, died 28th October 1912
01/05/2020 02100
24/07/2017 Rifleman John Faulkner is commemorated locally on Cookstown Cenotaph and on Second Presbyterian Church Roll of Honour.
24/07/2017 Rifleman John Faulkner has no known grave and he is commemorated on panel 15A-15B on the Thiepval Memorial in France.
24/07/2017 Rifleman John Faulkner was serving with the 14th Battalion of the Royal Irish Rifles when he was killed in action in his first major engagement, on the first day of the Battle of the Somme on Saturday 1st July 1916.
24/07/2017 The 14th Battalion of the Royal Irish Rifles went to France in October 1915 as part of the 36th Ulster Division.
24/07/2017 At the outbreak of the First World War John Faulkner enlisted at Randalstown, County Antrim, and was trained at Finner Camp, Ballyshannon, County Donegal.
24/07/2017 The 1911 census lists John as age 14 at house 3 in Coolkeegan, Cookstown, County Tyrone. John was still at school.
24/07/2017 Family: William Faulkner, Sarah Jane Faulkner, John Faulkner (born 5th October 1896), Thomas George William Faulkner (born 26th March 1898), Harriet Faulkner (born 30th November 1899, died 17th September 1903, aged 3), Mary Faulkner (born 25th August 1901), Kathleen Sarah Faulkner (born 30th November 1902), William Faulkner (born 10th June 1904), Evelyn Hazel Faulkner (born 10th December 1906).
24/07/2017 The 1901 census lists John as age 4, living with the family at house 1 in Coolkeeghan, Tullaghoge, County Tyrone. His father was a farmer.
24/07/2017 John Faulkner was born in the Cookstown area on 5th October 1896. He was the eldest of seven children, six surviving.
24/07/2017 The CWGC record Rifleman John Faulkner as the son of William Faulkner of Coolkeeghan, Cookstown, County Tyrone.
23/07/2017 John Faulkner was the eldest son of William and Sarah Jane Faulkner. William Faulkner married Sarah Speers on 16th January 1896 in the district of Cookstown.
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