Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch  
7046141   Fusilier Leonard O'Neill
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Dated added: 30/12/2015   Last updated: 18/12/2020
Personal Details
Regiment/Service: 1st Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (British Army)
Date Of Birth: 18/07/1922
Died: 07/01/1943 (Killed in Action)
Age: 20
Leo O’Neill was the son of Harry J and Elizabeth O’Neill of Stewartstown. He was born on 18th July 1922. Prior to enlisting, Leonard had worked as a brick worker and labourer. Leonard O’Neill enlisted with the Inniskillings shortly after his 18th birthday. Fusilier Leo O’Neill was serving with the 1st Battalion of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers in Burma when he was killed in this action on 7th January 1943, aged 20.
Fusilier Leonard O'Neill
Further Information
Leonard (Leo) O’Neill was the son of Harry J and Elizabeth O’Neill of Stewartstown.
Leonard O’Neill was born on 18th July 1922.
Prior to enlisting, Leonard had worked as a brick worker and labourer.
Leonard O’Neill enlisted with the Inniskillings on 30th July 1940, shortly after his 18th birthday at Omagh, Co. Tyrone.
Fusilier Leo O’Neill
Fusilier Leo O’Neill was serving with the 1st Battalion of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers in Burma when he was killed in this action on 7th January 1943, aged 20.
It is believed Fusilier O’Neill died in an action near Donbaik, Burma when a patrol from D Company, 1st Inniskillings engaged a much stronger force of Japanese troops resulting in many casualties, some from sniper fire.
From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 28th August 1943: Tyrone Soldier Wounded (Fusilier Francis O’Neill – brother of Fusilier Leonard O’Neill)
Mrs H O’Neill, of Main Street, Stewartstown, has received information that her son, Fusilier Francis O’Neill, has been wounded.
From the Mid Ulster Mail, unknown date possibly in 1947:
'Oh, why was he taken, that one we loved so fair.
And the world had so many it could better spare.
Hard was the blow that caused us to part,
But his memory, it is written in gold within our hearts'
Submitted by his father, Harry O’Neill
Fusilier Leonard O’Neill has no known grave and is commemorated on Rangoon Memorial in Burma.
Fusilier Leo O’Neill is commemorated locally on Stewartstown War Memorial.
The CWGC record Fusilier Leo O’Neill as the son of Harry J and Elizabeth O'Neill of Stewartstown, County Tyrone.
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Relevant Cookstown Area Locations
No Location Region Location Notes Longtitude Latitude
1 Stewartstown area Stewartstown CWGC lists parents in Stewartstown area 54.576675 -6.673634
References and Links
No Link Reference Map Doc
1 Inniskillings in Burma: Jan - Apr 1943 Details of the Inniskillings in Burma
Cookstown District's War Dead Acknowledgements 2010-2025