Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch  
26124   Private John McVeigh
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Dated added: 30/12/2015   Last updated: 01/05/2020
Personal Details
Regiment/Service: 1st Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers (British Army)
Died: 23/03/1918 (Killed in Action)
John McVeigh was born at Ardboe, County Tyrone. He enlisted in Ballymena while his family were living in Draperstown. John was reported killed in action on 23rd March 1918, two days after the start of the German Spring Offensive. The morning of the 23rd March was again foggy and soon after dawn the enemy captured Ham and advanced on Brouchy, to the rear of the position held by the 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Further Information
John McVeigh was born at Ardboe, County Tyrone.
John enlisted in Ballymena. His family were living in Draperstown.
Medal card
Private John McVeigh was serving with the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish Fusiliers when he was killed in action on Saturday 23rd March 1918, two days after the start of the German Spring Offensive.
The morning of the 23rd March was again foggy and soon after dawn the enemy captured Ham and advanced on Brouchy, to the rear of the position held by the 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers. By 2.00pm it became necessary to draw back the left flank, but by 8.00pm the enemy had captured Cugny. Orders were issued that if a man was wounded and couldn’t walk; he was to be left behind to fall into the hands of the enemy. It was considered better to lose a wounded man rather than lose three or four men who might be trying to save one.
Private John McVeigh has no known grave and is commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial, France.
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Relevant Cookstown Area Locations
No Location Region Location Notes Longtitude Latitude
1 Ardboe area Ardboe Born in Ardboe area 54.623080 -6.498511
References and Links
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1 National Archives UK Medal card can be purchased here
Cookstown District's War Dead Acknowledgements 2010-2025