1st Batt Trentham Regiment, 3rd New Zealand Infantry Brigade (New Zealand Army)
Date Of Birth:
08/06/1917 (Killed in Action)
William John Crooks was the eldest child of John and Mary Crooks. He was born in the Moneymore / Lissan area. He was one of at least eleven children. His father was a farm labourer. William immigrated to New Zealand and lived there with his aunt and uncle. He worked as a farm labourer. He enlisted in May 1915 and was promoted to Lance-Corporal in September. In April 1916 he arrived in France. Lance Corporal Crooks was serving with the 1st Battalion (Trentham Regiment) with the 3rd New Zealand Infantry Brigade when he was killed in action in Belgium on 8th June 1917.
The Messines Ridge (New Zealand) Memorial to the Missing is situated within Messines Ridge British Cemetery, which is located 9.5 Kms south of Ieper town centre on the Nieuwkerkestraat, a road leading from the Rijselseweg, N365, which connects Ieper to Wijtschate, Mesen and on to Armentieres.