Thomas was the husband of Sarah Jane Darragh of Chapel Street, Cookstown. Prior to joining the army he worked in Cookstown as a builder’s labourer and was well known in local football circles having played for both Cookstown and Derryloran Football Clubs. He joined the army soon after the outbreak of hostilities and had been in action for many months and was wounded in May 1916. The 6th Battalion made their advance on the village of Guillemont on 3rd September 1916, and suffered heavily, losing fifty-one men, including Private Thomas Darragh and Lieutenant Colonel J.S.M. Lenox-Conyngham.
The Thiepval Memorial will be found on the D73, next to the village of Thiepval, off the main Bapaume to Albert road (D929). Each year a major ceremony is held at the memorial on 1 July.