Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch
No Mem Ref Service No Rank Name Regiment / Service Battalion Date Of Death
1 02 2nd Lieut Stewart, Joseph Royal Dublin Fusiliers 4th Battalion 16/08/1917
2 01 63968 Pte. Reid, Robert Labour Corps 107th Battalion 12/12/1917
Town : Stewartstown
Latitude : 54.575374
Lontitude : -6.676820
Date Unveiled :
First Stewartstown Presbyterian Church is in the centre of Stewartstown at Hill Head. It is on the left hand side if approaching from Cookstown. The WWI Roll of Honour was in the form of a brass tablet. It is not known if this memorial still exists.

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Memorial History
First Stewartstown Presbyterian Church is in the centre of Stewartstown at Hill Head. It is on the left hand side if approaching from Cookstown. The WWI Roll of Honour was in the form of a brass tablet.
Erected in Loving Memory of Joseph Stewart and Robert Reid. Also served:-
bullet A1 Lieutenant Colonel Sinclair Miller
bullet A2 Major Robert S Woods
bullet A3 Sergeant Hilliard
bullet A4 Gunner Robert Shepherd
bullet A5 Private E Abernethy
bullet A6 Private J Battersby
bullet A7 Private J Stewart
bullet A8 Sister E Dunn
bullet A9 Sister S Sinclair
bullet B1 Major James C Woods
bullet B2 Sergeant D Battersby
bullet B3 Lance Corporal R Abernethy
bullet B4 Gunner S Stewart
bullet B5 Private J Abernethy
bullet B6 Private H Jackson
bullet B7 Private T Wallace
bullet B8 Sister M Miller
bullet B9 Sister A Woods
Many thanks to Lynn Mullan who supplied the photos.
Newspaper reports
From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 26th May 1945: 25 Years Ago (May 1920)
Two memorial brass tablets in Stewartstown Presbyterian Church were unveiled. One was in memory of Rev J A Donaldson and the other, a war memorial of two members who had fallen in the 1914-1918 war. Lieutenant Joseph Stewart od the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, who fell in action on 15th August 1917, and of Private Robert Reid, of the Royal Fusiliers, who fell in action on 1st October 1916, and in recognition of the services of the following:
bullet Lieutenant Colonel Sinclair Miller
bullet Major Robert S Woods
bullet Major James C Woods
bullet Sergeant Hilliard
bullet Lance Corporal R Abernethy
bullet Gunner Robert Shepherd
bullet Gunner S Stewart
bullet Private E Abernethy
bullet Private J Abernethy
bullet Private J Battersby
bullet Private H Jackson
bullet Private J Stewart
bullet Private T Wallace
bullet Sister A Woods
bullet Sister S Sinclair
bullet Sister E Dunn
bullet Sister M Miller
Cookstown District's War Dead Acknowledgements 2010-2025