Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch
No Pic Gr. Page Service No Rank Name Regiment / Service Battalion Date Of Death
1 Portrait 2nd Lieut Cooney, Charles Richard R Dub Fus 07th Batt 09/10/1916
2 Portrait Portrait 10097 Pte. Lavery, James Sterling R Inn Fus 02nd Batt 21/10/1914
3 Portrait 2nd Lieut Collins, Newton Henry R Inn Fus 07th Batt 27/04/1916
4 Portrait 2nd Lieut Morrison, Albert Victor R Scots Fus 02nd Batt 30/07/1916
5 Portrait 106464 Corp Glasgow, Henry McDonald Roy Eng Gas 24/07/1917
Institute History
The school traces its origin back to 1806 and the foundation of Cookstown Academy by Rev Thomas Miller Senior who remained as Headmaster of the Academy until 1840.
By 1834 the Remington sisters had opened a boarding school. The boarding school eventually took the name Cookstown College.
The two schools coexisted until 1924 when they amalgamated.
From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 26th December 1914:
From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 26th December 1914:
From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 2nd January 1915: Prize List
From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 18th November 1916: Three Cookstown Academy Boys - From left to right:
bullet Second Lieutenant Stuart Lecky McIver M.C.
bullet Lieutenant J W Patterson, D.S.O.
bullet Rev John Thom, M.C. (see Nathaniel Thom for full biography)
Town :
Latitude : 54.644244
Lontitude : -6.746979
Fairhill Road, Cookstown

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Institute / Book References and Links
No Link Reference Doc
1 Cookstown High School history Includes details and photos
2 Cookstown Directory 1880 Cookstown Academy, Molesworth St - John Mackenzie M.A., principal
3 Lieutenant Allan Patteson Glasgow Survived the war, served with the Canadians
4 Prof Ernest Waton Nobel Physics Award
5 Dr Augustine Henry Augustine Henry Forestry Herbarium, Botanic Gardens, Dublin
6 Alexander Fleming Browne Survived the war, served in the Anti-Aircraft Corps


Cookstown District's War Dead Acknowledgements 2010-2025