Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch
Region : Coriano, Rimini, Italy
Latitude : 43.985495
Lontitude : 12.603217
CWGC Link : 2004100
Coriano Ridge War Cemetery is 3.5 kilometres west of Riccione, a seaside resort on the Adriatic coast, and is reached by turning west off the main Rimini/Riccione road, the SS 16, about 1 kilometre north-west of Riccione. Coriano Ridge was the last important ridge in the way of the Allied advance in the Adriatic sector in the autumn of 1944. Its capture was the key to Rimini and eventually to the River Po. German parachute and panzer troops, aided by bad weather, resisted all attacks on their positions between 4 and 12 September 1944. On the night of 12 September the Eighth Army reopened its attack on the Ridge, with the 1st British and 5th Canadian Armoured Divisions. This attack was successful in taking the Ridge, but marked the beginning of a week of the heaviest fighting experienced since Cassino in May.

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Cookstown Casualties
No     Rank Name Service No Regiment / Service Date Of Death Grave Ref
1 Portrait Corp Bell, Patrick 3595861 Durham Light Infantry 27/09/1944 Grave XVIII-F-5
Cemetery History
Cemetery Links
No Link Reference Doc
1 Billiongraves Subscription website. Poor quality website and photos.
2 Gravestone photos
3 War Graves Photo Project War Graves Photographic Project
4 Wikipedia - Coriano Ridge War Cemetery Details of cemetery
5 WWII Cemeteries Details of cemetery including some photos