Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch
Region : Nijmegen, Gelderland, Holland
Latitude : 51.798256
Lontitude : 5.931884
CWGC Link : 2063700
The village of Groesbeek is in the east of the Netherlands and approx 10kms south east of the city of Nijmegen. From the A73 motorway NIJMEGEN to VENLO take exit 3 (Afrit 3) MALDEN / GROESBEEK / MOOK / HEUMEN / OVERASSELT. Follow signs for N271 MOOK. Continue through the village of MOLENHOEK and in the village of MOOK turn left at the roundabout (CWGC sign for MOOK WAR CEMETERY) onto the GROESBEEKSEWEG. Continue for approx 4.5kms and then turn left at the roundabout onto the PANNENSTRAAT. Continue through the town where the road name changes to DORPSTRAAT. Turn left onto BURGEMEESTER OTTENHOFFSTRAAT (CWGC Sign). After approx 100m turn right (CWGC sign) onto ZEVENHEUVELENWEG. The cemetery is approx 2kms along this road on the right. The cemetery address is:- Zevenheuvelenweg 38 6561 Groesbeek

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Cookstown Casualties
No     Rank Name Service No Regiment / Service Date Of Death Grave Ref
1 Portrait Portrait Corp Dunn, James 5437164 Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 23/11/1944 Panel 4
Cemetery History
Allied forces entered the Netherlands on 12 September 1944. Airborne operations later that month established a bridgehead at Nijmegen and in the following months, coastal areas and ports were cleared and secured, but it was not until the German initiated offensive in the Ardennes had been repulsed that the drive into Germany could begin.
Most of those buried in GROESBEEK CANADIAN WAR CEMETERY were Canadians, many of whom died in the Battle of the Rhineland, when the 2nd and 3rd Canadian Infantry Divisions and the 4th Canadian Armoured Division took part in the drive southwards from Nijmegen to clear the territory between the Maas and the Rhine in February and March 1945.
Others buried here died earlier or later in the southern part of the Netherlands and in the Rhineland.
The cemetery contains 2,610 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, and nine war graves of other nationalities. Within the cemetery stands the GROESBEEK MEMORIAL, which commemorates by name more than 1,000 members of the Commonwealth land forces who died during the campaign in north-west Europe between the time of crossing the Seine at the end of August 1944 and the end of the war in Europe, and whose graves are not known.
Cemetery Links
No Link Reference Doc
1 Gravestone and memorial photos
2 War Graves Photo Project War Graves Photographic Project
3 WW2 Talk Forums Thread on Groesbeek Memorial
4 WWII Cemeteries Details of memorial including some photos