Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch
Region : Ranville, Calvados, France
Latitude : 49.23109
Lontitude : -0.25847
CWGC Link : 2033500
Ranville is best reached by taking the D513 north-eastwards out of Caen, and after about 9 kilometres turning left at Herouvillette. Go north for one kilometre and then turn left into Ranville village. The War Cemetery is on Rue des Airbornes.

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Cookstown Casualties
No     Rank Name Service No Regiment / Service Date Of Death Grave Ref
1 Portrait Portrait L/Corp Greer, Henry 6985178 Royal Ulster Rifles 08/06/1944 Grave 4A-G-2
2 Portrait Pte. Reid, Gordon 14410593 Parachute Regiment 07/07/1944 Grave 3A-E-3
Cemetery History
The Allied offensive in north-western Europe began with the Normandy landings of 6 June 1944.
Ranville was the first village to be liberated in France when the bridge over the Caen Canal was captured intact in the early hours of 6 June by troops of the 6th Airborne Division, who were landed nearby by parachute and glider.
Many of the division's casualties are buried in Ranville War Cemetery and the adjoining churchyard The CEMETERY contains 2,235 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, 97 of them unidentified. There are also 330 German graves and a few burials of other nationalities. The CHURCHYARD contains 47 Commonwealth burials, one of which is unidentified, and one German grave.
Cemetery Links
No Link Reference Doc
1 Grave photos
2 War Graves Photo Project War Graves Photographic Project
3 Wikipedia - Ranville War Cemetery Details of cemetery
4 WWII Cemeteries Details of cemetery including some grave photos
5 Youtube video CWGC video of cemetery